Magdalena Herdegen-Radwan, PhD

Phone/fax: +48 61 829 5665


Evolution of personality traits, microbiome, sexual selection. Main species of interest: guppy (Poecilia reticulata).


Linking immunogenetic variation, microbiome and personality.

2023 - Habilitation in biological sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology
2014 - Ph.D. in ecology, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology
2010 - M.Sc. in biology, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology
2005 - M.Sc. in Italian language and literature, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Philology

Classes in: Evolutionary biology, Sociobiology,Animal personality and cognition, Population genetics


2015 - Prime Ministers’s Award for doctoral dissertation

2013 - six-month internship at the lab of prof. Andrea Pilastro (University of Padova, Italy)


Przesmycka, K., Herdegen-Radwan, M., Philips, K.P., Mahommed, R.S., Radwan, J. (2023) The quest for good gens: Epigamic traits, fitness, MHC and multilocus heterozygosity in the guppy, Mol. Ecol., DOI: 10.1111/mec.17083 
Herdegen-Radwan M. (2022) Can female guppies learn to like male colours? A test of the role of associative learning in originating sexual preferences, Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 289, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2022.0212
Herdegen-Radwan M, Cattelan S, Buda J, Raubic J, Radwan J (2021) What do organge spots reveal about male (and female) guppies? A test using correlated responses to selection. Evolution 75:3037-3055. DOI: 10.1111/evo.14384
Herdegen-Radwan, M., Phillips, K., Babik, W., Mohammed, R., Radwan, J. (2020) Balancing selection versus allele and supertype turnover in MHC class II genes in guppies. Heredity DOI: 10.1038/s41437-020-00369-7
Dziuba, M.K., Herdegen-Radwan, M., Pluta, E., Wejnerowski, Ł., Szczuciński, W., Cerbin, S. (2020) Temperature increase altered Daphnia community structure in artificially heated lakes: a potential scenario for a warmer future. Scientific Reports 10:13956, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70294-6
Herdegen-Radwan, M. (2019) Bolder guppies do not have more mating partners, yet sire more offspring. BMC Evolutionary Biology DOI: 10.1186/s12862-019-1539-4
Herdegen-Radwan, M. (2019) Does inbreeding affect personality traits? Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5487
Phillips, K.P., Cable, J., Mohammed, R.S., Herdegen-Radwan, M., Raubic, J., Przesmycka, K.J., van Oosterhout, C., Radwan, J. (2018) Immunogenetic novelty confers a selective advantage in host-pathogen coevolution. PNAS 115(7): 1552-1557.
Herdegen, M., Radwan, J., Sobczynska, U., Dabert, M., Konjevic, D., Schlichter, J., Jurczyszyn, M. (2015) Population structure of edible dormouse in Poland: the role of habitat fragmentation and implications for conservation. Journal of Zoology 298: 217-224.
Herdegen, M., Radwan, J. (2015) Effect of induced mutations on sexually-selected traits in the guppy (Poecilia retiiculata). Animal Behaviour 110: 105-111.
Sebastian, A., Herdegen, M., Migalska, M., Radwan, J. (2015) AmpliSAS: a web server for multilocus genotyping using next-generation amplicon sequencing data. Molecular Ecology Resources 16: 498-510
Herdegen, M., Babik, W., Radwan, J. (2014) Selective pressure on MHC class II genes in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as inferred by hierarchical analysis of population structure. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 11:2347-2359.
Herdegen, M. , Alexander, H.J., Babik, W., Mavárez, J Breden, F., Radwan, J. (2014) Population structure of guppies in north-eastern Venezuela, the area of putative incipient speciation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:28.
Herdegen, M., Dudka K., Radwan, J.(2013) Hetorozygosity and orange colouration are associated in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27:220-225.
Herdegen, M., Nadachowska-Brzyska, K., Konowalik, A., Babik, W., Radwan, J. (2013) Heterozygosity, sexual ornament and body size in the crested newt. Journal of Zoology 291:146:153.
Prokop, Z., Michalczyk, Ł., Drobniak, Sz.M., Herdegen, M., Radwan, J. (2012) Meta-analysis suggests choosy females get sexy sons more than “good genes”. Evolution 66:2665–2673.
Prokop, Z., Jarzębowska, M., Skrzynecka, A., Herdegen, M. (2011) Age, virginity and sex - do female bulb mites prefer young males as mating partners? Ethology 118:235-242.
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