The 1st Marcin Antczak Award for the most inspiring ornithological paper published in 2014 in a peer-reviewed journal by young who originates from Poland, the Czech Republic or Slovakia goes to

Dr Piotr Minias
from University of Łódź, Section of Didactics of Biology and Biological Diversity Studies

The Marcin Antczak Award Board considered two papers published by Piotr Minias last year:

Mini-as, P. 2014. Evolution of within-colony distribution patterns of birds in response to habitat structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 851-850.
Minias, P., Kaczmarek, K., Włodarczyk, R., Janiszewski, T. 2014. Melanin-based coloration covaries with fluctuating asymmetry, nutritional state and physiological stress response in common snipe. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 51-58.

Dr Piotr Minias received PhD degree from the University of Łódź (Poland). His thesis concerns spatial distribution of nesting in great cormorant’s colonies. After receiving his doctorate in 2012, he received assistant professor position in Department of Experimental Zoology and Evolutionary Biology (Section of Didactics of Biology and Biological Biodiversity Studies). He was participating in two international project conducted by Duke University (Florida, USA) and BirdLife International (Egipt). Currently (2014/15) he is a Fulbright Senior Scholar on University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in USA. Piotr has authored to date about 44 papers in peer-reviewed journal. He is interested in ecology and evolution of colonial breeding, migration strategies of waders, ecophysiology of moulting, and synurbization of waterfowls.

Initially, the International Board of Marcin Antczak Award considered over 20 persons and articles published last year. The process took over three months and at the end we had considered the following nominated papers and persons:

Joanna Sudyka: Sudyka, J., Arct, A., Drobniak, S., Dubiec, A., Gustafsson, L., Cichoń, M. 2014. Experimentally increased reproductive effort alters telomer length in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 2258-2264.

Michal Nemec: Nemec, N., Fuchs, R. 2014 Nest defense of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio against five corvid species. Acta Ethologica 17: 149-154.

Peter Mikula: Mikula, P. 2014. Pedestrian density infuences flight distances of urban birds. Ardea 102: 53-60.

Peter Samas: Samas, P., Haber, M. E., Casey, P., Grim, T. 2014 Host responses to interspecific brood parasitism: a by -product of adaptations to conspecific parasitism? Frontiers in Zoology 11: 34.

Paweł Mirski: Maciorowski, G., Mirski, P. 2014. Habitat alteration enables hybridisation between Lesser Spotted and Great Spotted Eagles in north-east Poland. Bird Conservation International 24: 152-161.

We would like to congratulate all the nominees for the Award and the distinguished person.
The award ceremony along with award-person lecture and a special session was held on 3rd October 2015 at Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University.

On behalf of the Board,
Tomasz Osiejuk

The International Board of Marcin Antczak Award consists of Elodie Briefer (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich),Svein Dale (University of Life Sciences, Norway), Martin Hromada (University of Presov, Slovakia), Martin Konvicka (University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic), Anton Krištín (Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Slovakia), Tomasz D. Mazgajski (Muzeum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Piotr Tryjanowski (University of Life Science, Poland), Sandra Vehrencamp (Cornell University, USA) and Tomasz S. Osiejuk – chairman (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).
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