The 4th Marcin Antczak Award for the most inspiring ornithological paper published in 2017 in a peer-reviewed journal by young who originates from Poland, the Czech Republic or Slovakia goes to

Dr Jakub Szymkowiak
from Population Ecology Lab, Adam Mickiewicz University.

The International Board of Marcin Antczak Award appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University decided that the most inspiring ornithological papers of the last year are:

Jakub Szymkowiak, Lechosław Kuczyński. 2017. Song rate as a signal of male aggressiveness during territorial contests in the wood warbler. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 275-283.

Jakub Szymkowiak, Robert L. Thomson, Lechosław Kuczyński. 2017. Interspecific social information use in habitat selection decisions among migrant songbirds. Behavioral Ecology 28: 767-775.

Papers present results of experimental studies on how information transfer affects territorial contests and habitat selection in the wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix). In the first paper authors demonstrated that song rate of intruder differentiates response of territory owner and seems to be a real aggressive signal leading to conflict escalation. In the second paper authors focused on presence of signals coming from other species, which may act as cues where to breed for migrant birds. Results of this study stress the importance of both positive and negative effects of heterospecific social cues on settlement decisions.
Jakub Szymkowiak is first and corresponding author of awarded papers.

Jakub Szymkowiak received PhD degree in 2016 from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). His thesis concerns mechanisms of habitat selection in the wood warbler and was done under supervision of Lechosław Kuczyński. After obtaining his doctorate (cum laude) he joined the team of Population Ecology Lab and continue his work. He is interested in learning of fear and eavesdropping networks in wild birds, informed habitat selection decisions in songbirds and effects of mast seeding on forest bird communities. Jakub is already author of 11 peer-reviewed papers published among others in such top journals as Ecology, Behavioural Ecology,Journal of Avian Biology, Oikos, Basic and Applied Ecology, Acta Ethologica, PLoS ONE, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Ecology. Jakub was also awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science (START scholarship 2015) and Minister of Science of Higher Education (2015 scholarship), Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University and many other bodies.

Initially, the International Board of Marcin Antczak Award screened a few hundreds of papers and after initial selection considered eleven persons and their articles published last year. The process took over five months and at the end we had considered (in addition to awarded dr Jakub Szymkowiak) we would like to distinguish the following nominated papers and persons:

Jan Jedlikowski: Jedlikowski, J., Brambilla, M. 2017. The adaptive value of habitat preferences from a multi-scale spatial perspective: insights from marsh-nesting avian species. PeerJ 5:e3164; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3164

Katerina Sam: Sam, K., Koane, B., Jeppy, S., Sykorova, J., Novotny, V. 2017. Diet of land birds along an elevation gradient in Papua New Guinea. Scientific Reports 7:44018; DOI 10.1038/srep44018

We would like to congratulate all the nominees for the Award and the distinguished person.

We would like to congratulate all the nominees for the Award and the distinguished person. The award ceremony along with award-person lecture was held on 10th October 2018 in Poznań.

On behalf of the Board,
Tomasz Osiejuk

The International Board of Marcin Antczak Award consists of Elodie Briefer (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich),Svein Dale (University of Life Sciences, Norway), Martin Hromada (University of Presov, Slovakia), Martin Konvicka (University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic), Anton Krištín (Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Slovakia), Tomasz D. Mazgajski (Muzeum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Piotr Minias (University of Łódź), Jiří Reif (Charles University in Prague, Czechia), Piotr Tryjanowski (University of Life Science, Poland), Sandra Vehrencamp (Cornell University, USA) and Tomasz S. Osiejuk – chairman (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).
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