5th Marcin Antczak Award

for Łukasz Jankowiak

The 5th Marcin Antczak Award for the most inspiring ornithological papers published in 2018 in a peer-reviewed journal by young scientist who originates from Poland, the Czech Republic or Slovakia goes to
dr Łukasz Jankowiak
from Chair of Vertebrate Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Szczecin University, Poland.

The International Board of Marcin Antczak Award appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University decided that the most inspiring ornithological papers of the last year are:

Łukasz Jankowiak, Dawid Zyskowski, Dariusz Wysocki. 2018. Age-specific reproduction and disposable soma in an urban population of Common Blackbird Turdus merula. Ibis 160: 130-144.
Łukasz Jankowiak, Marta Cholewa, Dariusz Wysocki. 2018. Survival costs of within- and between-season mate change in the European blackbird Turdus merula. Journal of Avian Biology 49:e01643.
Dariusz Wysocki, Marta Cholewa, Łukasz Jankowiak. 2018. Fledgling adoption in European Blackbird: An unrecognized phenomenon in a well-known species. Behavioral Ecology 29: 230-235.

In awarded papers Łukasz Jankowiak deals with the biology of a common passerine species the European (or Eurasian) blackbird. This originally forest species due to great coping with the human impact has become one of the flagship species to understand how anthropopression affects animal biology and ecology. In his research, Łukasz Jankowiak analyzes (i) the influence of pair faithfulness on within- and between-season survival and mate fidelity , (ii) changes in reproductive success with the age of males and females, and (iii) fledgling adoption phenomenon. All the papers have been published in leading ornithological or behavioural journals and thanks to detailed field observations and the use of advanced methods for analysing long-term data significantly improve our understanding of the biology of Eurasian blackbird inhabiting urban population in central Europe.

Łukasz Jankowiak received PhD degree in 2013 from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). His thesis concerns trophic relationships between predators in and agricultural landscape and was done under supervision of Piotr Tryjanowski. After obtaining his doctorate he joined the team of Dariusz Wysocki in Szczecin University and together with other collaborators continued the survey. He is interested in biology of raptors, ducks and Charadriiformes. Also he has been involved in the parasitology study of fleas and ticks . Łukasz is already author of over 35 peer-reviewed papers published among others in such journals as Auk, Behavioral Ecology, Bird Study, Ecological Research, Ibis, Journal of Avian Biology, Scientific Reports, Wilson Journal of Ornithology, Ornis Fennica, Ethology Ecology and Evolution.

Initially, the International Board of Marcin Antczak Award screened a few hundreds of papers and after initial selection considered eleven persons and their articles published last year. The process took over four months and at the end we had considered (in addition to awarded dr Łukasz Jankowiak) we would like to distinguish the following nominated papers and persons:

Peter Mikula:
Mikula, P., Díaz, M., Møller, A.P., Albrecht, T., Tryjanowski, P., Hromada, M. 2018. Migratory and resident waders differ in risk taking on the wintering grounds. Behavioural Processes 157: 309-314.
Mikula, P., Díaz, M., Albrecht, T., Jokimäki, J., Kaisalahti-Jokimäki, M-L., Kroiotero, G., Møller, A.P, Tryjanowski, P., Yosef, R., Hromada, M. 2018. Adjusting risk-taking to the annual cycle of long-distance migratory birds. Scientific Reports 8:13989.

Pavel Pipek:
Pipek, P., Petrusková, T., Petrusek, A., Diblíková, L., Eaton, M.A., Pyšek, P. 2018.Dialects of an invasive songbird are preserved in its invaded but not native source range. Ecography 41: 245-254.

We would like to congratulate all the nominees for the Award and the distinguished person.
The award ceremony along with award-person lecture will be held on 9th October 2019 in Poznań.

Current information about the Award can be found at www.behaecol.home.amu.edu.pl/marcin/marcin.html

On behalf of the Board,
Tomasz S. Osiejuk

The International Board of Marcin Antczak Award consist of Elodie Mandel-Briefer (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich), Svein Dale (University of Life Sciences, Norway), Martin Hromada (University of Presov, Slovakia), Anton Krištín (Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Slovakia), Tomasz D. Mazgajski (Muzeum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Piotr Minias (University of Łódź, Poland), Jiří Reif (Charles University in Prague, Czechia), Piotr Tryjanowski (University of Life Science, Poland), and Tomasz S. Osiejuk – chairman (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).
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