Ceremony of presentation of th 9th Marcin Antczak Award - 9th of October 2024

We are pleased to announce that the ceremony for the 9th Marczin Antczak Award, will be held on October 9, 2024 in the Ground Floor Hall (colegium Biologicum) at 12:00.

We invite everyone to listen to the laureate's lecture titled "An unforeseen ecological chain in tree cavities".

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Kasia Kwiatkowska has won ASAB prize for a paper published in Animal Behaviour

Katarzyna Kwiatkowska has won a prize (2k£) in the early-career category for a paper entitled 'Can an acoustic communication network be used for spatial orientation?' published in Animal Behaviour. The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour gives such prizes each year. The paper was part of Kasia's PhD dissertation, and she was supervised by Paweł Ręk. Congratulations both to Kasia and her supervisor.

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Gosia Niśkiewicz PhD defence - Monday 23/09/2024 11:00

Only few days left for Małgorzata Niskiśkiewicz PhD defense. The dissertation entitled "Coding species and individual information in the song of African wood doves (Turtur sp.)" was one of the logistically hardest (COVID) research we have conducted during our history.

More details here:

Photo credit: Mathieu Mahamoud-Issa

Dominika presented talk at Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Today Dominka Winiarska had lecture at Cornell. Invitation from Ben Goittesman below. Her talk was recorder so you may see it later.

Hi everyone,
Our next BioacousTalks is tomorrow, September 18
th, from 11 AM – 12 PM ET with Dominika Winiarska, who will present her work on measuring acoustic detection ranges and implications for study design and analysis.  
Zoom Link: 
https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94632241116?pwd=86tC0YbenW1ce0ufIeohgpenEobbdd.1 (passcode is 451311)
Here is the rundown of Dominika's presentation:
This talk addresses the technical aspects of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), focusing on general bird detectability in forests and how researchers can adjust their study design accordingly. It also highlights how different data processing methods—listening to recordings, visual analysis of spectrograms, and automated analysis using BirdNET—can affect detection distances and thus research results.
About Dominika: 
“My research focuses on various aspects of passive acoustic monitoring, including assessing its effectiveness regarding detection distances and detection methods. I also work on comparing traditional monitoring methods with acoustic approaches to capture comprehensive data on bird communities. Currently, I am awaiting the defense of my doctoral thesis.”
Another cool bioacoustics series this week:
WildLabs is hosting a Virtual Meetup on Bioacoustics Data Analysis and AI this week, featuring Justin Kitzes, Stefan Kahl, Kate Jones, and Sarab Sethi. It will be from 2-3.30 pm UTC. Click here to register.
All the best,

The lates issue of Ethology with our emerald-spotted wood-dove on the cover

The latest portion of Gosia Niśkiewicz's PhD dissertation has been published in the Ethology journal. Today, our research subject, the emerald spotted wood-dove, was featured in the volume of the issue along with Gosia's paper. The photo was captured during fieldwork in Lake Mburo National Park (Uganda) by T. S. Osiejuk.

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